1.   He later preached good doctrine and set the colonists to building a church.

2.   It preaches the doctrine that individuals should be allowed to do anything they wish unfettered by social conventions.

3.   My vote will go the party that faces up to present day problems not one that wallows in class hatred and preaches the doctrine of envy and bitterness.

4.   And there are others, cautious and experienced, who preach a doctrine of waiting.

5.   He preached a doctrine that sought to link the French classical tradition of Poussin and David to modernism.

6.   They subsequently fell under the influence of a hard-line elderly cleric who preached a doctrine of holy war against the West.

7.   They too preached a doctrine of the chosen and the damned.

v. + doctrine >>共 121
dump 5.73%
abandon 4.85%
apply 3.96%
uphold 3.52%
violate 3.08%
preach 3.08%
challenge 2.64%
follow 2.64%
teach 2.64%
cite 2.20%
preach + n. >>共 273
gospel 6.21%
patience 4.44%
virtue 3.68%
sermon 3.55%
message 3.42%
religion 2.53%
importance 2.28%
value 2.28%
hatred 2.28%
tolerance 2.15%
doctrine 0.89%
每页显示:    共 7