1.   Last November, reduced practising certificate fees for low-earning solicitors were introduced.

2.   Once admitted, the solicitor is required to maintain a practising certificate, for which a substantial annual fee is charged.

3.   The Law Society could reciprocate with information on solicitors who had failed to renew their practising certificates.

4.   The possibility of reducing the practising certificate fee for low earners is under discussion, but at the time of writing no decision has been taken.

5.   One of their partners had unwittingly failed to renew his practising certificate.

6.   Is a practising certificate required?

7.   He also wanted the court to direct the Bar Council to issue him an annual practising certificate which would allow him to practise law.

8.   The clinics are exempted because doctors and dentists have to renew their practising certificates annually.

a. + certificate >>共 197
medical 13.68%
teaching 7.02%
digital 4.44%
framed 3.70%
special 2.22%
baptismal 2.22%
practising 2.22%
new 2.03%
fake 1.85%
forged 1.66%
practising + n. >>共 39
certificate 18.18%
lawyer 9.09%
manager 6.06%
medicine 6.06%
witchcraft 4.55%
year 3.03%
artist 3.03%
professional 3.03%
bourgeois 1.52%
cargo 1.52%
每页显示:    共 12