1.   Ethanol is thus a powerful solvent that can roam freely throughout the body.

2.   An independent toxicology firm, hired by Merzer, tested those chips and confirmed the presence of perchloroethylene, a powerful cleaning solvent.

3.   Naphtha is a more powerful solvent than mineral spirits, so less is needed to thin the same amount of paint.

4.   Technology is a powerful solvent, it is true.

5.   Other inspectors rub acetone, a powerful solvent, over the blades of a sled at the start of each race.

a. + solvent >>共 73
industrial 14.94%
chemical 8.05%
cleaning 6.90%
organic 5.75%
toxic 5.75%
chlorinated 4.02%
powerful 2.87%
pure 2.87%
universal 2.87%
suitable 1.72%
powerful + n. >>共 1047
force 3.03%
explosion 1.81%
bomb 1.80%
man 1.69%
computer 1.56%
tool 1.37%
earthquake 1.22%
politician 1.12%
drug 1.04%
position 0.99%
solvent 0.04%
每页显示:    共 5