1.   Even in Egypt and Jordan, anti-Israel sentiment remains powerful among intellectuals despite the fact that the governments have come to terms with the Israelis.

2.   Nationalists remain powerful among Muslims, Serbs and Croats, and control media, movement and some economic conditions.

3.   Nationalists remain powerful among Muslims, Serbs and Croats .

4.   Sufism, which emphasizes personal devotion and often blends local practices into its worship, is still powerful among Asian Muslims.

a. + among >>共 715
popular 20.92%
common 7.84%
high 2.84%
strong 2.08%
rare 2.08%
alone 2.03%
unpopular 1.98%
unique 1.87%
prominent 1.85%
foremost 1.73%
powerful 0.09%
powerful + p. >>共 33
than 36.90%
as 19.28%
in 16.72%
for 6.48%
of 6.02%
on 1.96%
with 1.81%
at 1.36%
within 0.90%
to 0.90%
among 0.60%
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