1.   Banking regulators are no more powerful against economic tides than are shorefront property owners glumly regarding waves eroding their beachfront.

2.   How good is Notre Dame, which looked woeful against Vanderbiltt and powerful against Purdue?

3.   If he hits, the Mets become a different team, more dangerous against left-handers, more powerful against right-handers.

4.   Such stories are not uncommon in India, where independent human-rights groups have documented cases of police siding with the powerful against the poor.

a. + against >>共 863
higher 11.85%
lower 8.93%
up 6.02%
effective 4.23%
high 3.69%
steady 2.69%
stable 1.96%
weak 1.41%
strong 1.34%
weaker 1.30%
powerful 0.08%
powerful + p. >>共 33
than 36.90%
as 19.28%
in 16.72%
for 6.48%
of 6.02%
on 1.96%
with 1.81%
at 1.36%
within 0.90%
to 0.90%
against 0.60%
每页显示:    共 4