1.   Executive power rests effectively with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who are responsible to the legislature and are appointed by the Governor General acting on its advice.

2.   Malaysia has a federal form of government, with a bicameral legislature, residual legislative powers resting with the states legislative assemblies.

3.   Normative power rests on the allocation and manipulations of esteem, prestige, peer-group recognition -- in other words, of symbolic rewards.

4.   American diplomats have been reluctant to deal with these warlords, especially those whose power rests on controlling lucrative heroin smuggling routes.

5.   And the power still rests with the people.

6.   As the ballot-counting continued, Zedillo met privately in the presidential compound with the top PRI leaders, whose power now rests almost entirely in the provinces.

7.   He delivered a message about where the power rested in network sports.

8.   In a city and in a trade where power rested with a few, the snobbism was almost palpable.

9.   It was a collection of small suburban banks and its power rested in the hands of the many independent-minded bank presidents.

n. + rest >>共 718
decision 8.21%
defense 3.39%
prosecution 2.91%
power 2.26%
responsibility 1.90%
case 1.67%
matter 1.61%
head 1.43%
hope 1.37%
authority 1.25%
power + v. >>共 669
be 29.10%
go 4.20%
come 3.14%
have 2.17%
remain 1.76%
lie 1.53%
fail 1.35%
shift 1.26%
rest 1.12%
flow 1.03%
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