1.   Some power companies are taking advantage of the technique to clean large generators quickly.

2.   The power company is taking part of his land by eminent domain.

3.   The Reagan administration had cast its lot with the power companies.

4.   Their invention was an electricity meter controlled by signals from the power company.

5.   The city decided to privatize the municipal power company.

6.   French power companies are planning similar stations in Hungary, also with a view to supplying electricity to France.

7.   The new legislation favours nuclear power, abolishing one of the two permits previously needed by power companies to build and operate stations.

8.   Prospectuses issued by both power companies have admitted that environmental costs may be on the rise, but no figures have been given.

9.   The privatisation of the electricity supply in England and Wales means that power companies must compete fiercely over the supply of power to the national grid.

n. + company >>共 616
oil 7.16%
tobacco 4.21%
phone 4.02%
drug 3.30%
telephone 3.20%
technology 2.72%
software 2.45%
telecommunication 2.34%
construction 2.13%
service 2.10%
power 1.57%
power + n. >>共 531
struggle 8.54%
line 8.11%
company 5.66%
outage 4.34%
supply 3.73%
base 2.61%
cut 2.28%
failure 2.28%
generation 2.20%
generator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 766