1.   At other points I broke through the top surface into icy, powder snow below.

2.   He was immediately plucked off and we plunged downwards, drowning in a tidal wave of powder snow.

3.   We went back to the top and made fresh tracks towards Chamonix through windswept powder snow on the Glacier du Geant.

4.   Freeriding includes traveling through powder snow or any stretch of wide-open terrain, while bordercross combines aspects of motocross racing and freestyle snowboarding.

5.   Given the strong U.S. dollar and heaps of powder snow in the forecast, I set my sights northward.

6.   The dry powder snow that lures skiers to Colorado is also partly responsible for the high avalanche risk.

7.   The salesman walked up, put his arm around the IOC official and started talking up the virtues of Wasatch Mountain powder snow.

8.   When dry powder snow falls on top of that, it is far less apt to melt.

9.   In the second run, the sun came out but wind in the trees sent powder snow showering over skiers.

10.   Steamboat Springs is also in the same time zone and receives the same powder snow as the Salt Lake City region.

n. + snow >>共 90
mountain 42.67%
winter 11.60%
lake-effect 5.47%
spring 2.63%
elevation 2.41%
fall 2.41%
powder 2.41%
high-elevation 2.19%
morning 1.75%
weekend 1.31%
powder + n. >>共 86
form 18.75%
cocaine 7.81%
burn 6.25%
snow 5.73%
beetle 3.13%
mill 2.08%
charge 2.08%
coating 2.08%
milk 2.08%
paint 2.08%
每页显示:    共 11