1.   And the proposed poverty thresholds, based on the need for food, clothing and shelter, do not include an allowance for medical care.

2.   Is a ghetto family impoverished because of its crime-ridden surroundings and poor schools, although the family has enough income to rise above the official poverty threshold?

3.   On the issue of where the poverty threshold should be set, the panel recommended a method but not a precise answer.

4.   The statistical poverty threshold, based on after-tax income and the number of adults and children in a family, is adjusted each year by the federal government.

5.   The poverty threshold differs by the size of the household.

6.   The poverty threshold differs by household, depending mainly on the size of the family.

7.   According to the World Bank, half of Laotians live under the poverty threshold.

8.   One-third of the country lives below the poverty threshold.

9.   One quarter of the Russian active population lives below the poverty threshold, in the United States one child in five does.

10.   One third of the country lives below the poverty threshold.

n. + threshold >>共 77
pain 14.97%
tax 8.16%
poverty 6.80%
income 6.12%
boredom 4.76%
payroll 2.04%
damage 1.36%
deployment 1.36%
error 1.36%
competency 1.36%
poverty + n. >>共 109
rate 18.91%
reduction 10.51%
summit 8.06%
alleviation 7.53%
program 6.83%
eradication 4.38%
programme 2.28%
problem 2.28%
relief 2.10%
issue 1.75%
threshold 1.75%
每页显示:    共 10