1.   Extreme poverty breeds disease and shortens life expectancy.

2.   Yes, poverty can breed desperate people.

3.   Poverty breeds abuse and exploitation, Anand said, while lack of access to education renders children more vulnerable to the sex market.

4.   Manila acknowledges that the Muslim regions are among the most impoverished in the Philippines and that poverty has bred the rebellion.

n. + breed >>共 306
familiarity 12.94%
mosquito 8.24%
success 5.21%
animal 1.51%
violence 1.34%
scientist 1.34%
system 1.18%
researcher 1.18%
closure 1.01%
people 1.01%
poverty 0.67%
poverty + v. >>共 147
be 39.08%
remain 3.67%
drive 2.94%
cause 2.02%
force 1.83%
increase 1.65%
decline 1.47%
affect 1.28%
make 1.28%
lead 1.28%
breed 0.73%
每页显示:    共 4