1.   Over the last decade, they have afflicted millions of Americans, including secretaries, seamstresses, nursing home aides, journalists and poultry plant workers.

2.   The Catholic bishops of the South have supported the poultry workers.

3.   The Supreme Court missed the board on the seriousness of the condition, at least for poultry workers.

4.   POULTRY transport workers are unlikely to receive compensation from the government in the wake of the decision to destroy all poultry in Hong Kong.

5.   Chinese officials say they have stepped up inspections on farms and alerted poultry workers to watch for flu symptoms among their birds.

6.   Chinese officials say they have stepped up inspections and have alerted poultry workers to watch for signs of the flu in their stocks.

7.   Five poultry workers and two others who had been in contact with the boy were also tested positive for the antibodies.

8.   In Arkansas, Jenkins is meeting with poultry workers while enlisting the support of religious leaders.

9.   In Little Rock, Alan Jenkins, who is Presbyterian, is organizing poultry workers.

10.   Meanwhile, many poultry stall workers on Monday were found to be contravening the new hygiene guidelines.

n. + worker >>共 532
aid 15.33%
rescue 12.07%
construction 5.03%
relief 4.35%
office 2.75%
government 2.71%
health 2.69%
factory 2.39%
farm 2.03%
oil 1.66%
poultry 0.09%
poultry + n. >>共 168
industry 8.22%
producer 6.60%
farm 6.60%
farmer 5.53%
market 5.12%
import 4.31%
product 3.91%
company 3.64%
plant 3.64%
processor 2.96%
worker 2.43%
每页显示:    共 18