1.   Because it is used topically, rather than systemically, Cytolex avoids many of the side effects common with potent oral antibiotics.

2.   Children who are diagnosed as TB carriers will be given a course of potent antibiotics that lasts up to nine months.

3.   Doctors are warning that inappropriate use of a potent antibiotic to guard against anthrax could wind up exposing Americans to dangerous infections of drug-resistant bacteria.

4.   Doctors increasingly worry that haphazard use this winter of the antianthrax drug Cipro could breed bacteria impervious to even the most potent antibiotics.

5.   Her eyesight, because of HIV and the potent antibiotics she takes, is worsening.

6.   Infectious disease scientists might alter the bacteria during research to find more potent antibiotics or during research to determine why certain medicines are losing their effectiveness.

7.   She left with two Chinese cold syrups, a potent broad-spectrum antibiotic, an inhaler and a little round device that jets powdered medicine into the lungs.

8.   Those two potent antibiotics would clobber the bacteria and halt their spread to virgin territory.

9.   Vancomycin, an extremely potent antibiotic, is one of the few still effective against bacteria that have developed resistance to other drugs.

10.   Chloramphenicol, a potent antibiotic, is banned by the EU because high doses are suspected of causing serious anemia in humans.

a. + antibiotic >>共 171
new 8.03%
intravenous 7.65%
common 4.40%
preventive 4.02%
oral 3.63%
powerful 3.44%
different 2.87%
potent 2.29%
broad-spectrum 2.10%
natural 1.91%
potent + n. >>共 526
thunderstorm 9.56%
force 5.69%
weapon 3.93%
symbol 3.47%
offense 3.30%
disturbance 3.02%
drug 2.68%
storm 2.62%
issue 2.56%
combination 2.16%
antibiotic 0.68%
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