1.   Or have earthworms already attained the maximum size possible within the physical limits imposed by a hydraulic skeleton?

2.   Therefore, important contrasts should be possible within modern society.

3.   This means testing as many options as possible within a limited time frame.

4.   Whilst a high degree of integration is possible within the InteSoft series external integration is rather more limited.

5.   But what might be impossible for individuals was possible within the larger body of society.

6.   He believed the relationship should be redefined to facilitate as large a British role as possible within the EEC.

7.   The aim is to disseminate messages as widely as possible within a given community.

8.   The prison inspectorate gives the project full support and urges the governor to continue to develop it as far as possible within the constraints of the Penninghame regime.

9.   If somebody studies A-Level Economics, then business studies A-Level is quite possible within one week or two weeks tuition.

a. + within >>共 460
available 6.50%
located 3.75%
possible 3.68%
ready 3.03%
deep 2.67%
resolved 2.60%
due 2.09%
operational 1.88%
public 1.66%
born 1.52%
possible + p. >>共 81
in 19.73%
for 11.89%
by 9.26%
to 7.95%
with 7.74%
from 4.91%
without 4.34%
on 4.34%
before 2.74%
through 2.25%
within 1.38%
每页显示:    共 51