1.   Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work while maintaining morale at a satisfactory level.

2.   It has the advantage of being possible through the enactment of secondary legislation.

3.   Passage is possible through the branches on the extreme left.

4.   The prime objective was to keep plateau production going for as long as possible through increased recovery and satellites.

5.   That it is possible through the appropriate use of policies, to bring down levels of immigration into the county.

6.   This is encouraged and made possible through an international network.

7.   In TRACE II, recovery is possible through an anti-clockwise circle of excitation.

8.   In the circuit diagram, the inductor to be determined is represented as an inductance L in series with resistance R.

9.   Another wing deals with public relations, trying to spread the anti-American message as far as possible through interviews and videotapes.

10.   Bands of snow and flurries will spiral through the northern Plains, where up to a few inches is possible through Sunday.

a. + through >>共 922
available 14.84%
halfway 8.25%
resolved 3.25%
visible 3.07%
moving 2.45%
possible 2.45%
accessible 1.71%
open 1.45%
lost 1.33%
midway 1.24%
possible + p. >>共 81
in 19.73%
for 11.89%
by 9.26%
to 7.95%
with 7.74%
from 4.91%
without 4.34%
on 4.34%
before 2.74%
through 2.25%
每页显示:    共 82