1.   It is hoped that this will help potential HCIMA members obtain the highest possible membership grades, and assist existing members to upgrade their HCIMA membership level.

2.   Estonia, for example, already has bilateral military pacts with more than half of the NATO countries and has been tapped for possible membership in the European Union.

3.   Possible membership in the EU and NATO has been mentioned.

4.   All six parties in Parliament favor the earliest possible NATO membership for the country, and the outcome of the vote was never in question.

5.   But many are confused by the monetary union and are unsure about the consequences of possible membership, recent surveys have shown.

6.   But prosecutors are still investigating his possible membership of an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group.

7.   Cuba has been aggressively pursuing diplomatic ties with other Caribbean countries and is trying to cultivate support for possible membership in regional trade groups.

8.   Czech President Vaclav Havel said Monday that possible membership of the Czech Republic in NATO may also entail deployment of nuclear weapons on Czech territory.

9.   Keating told a press conference after talks with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad that he had not brought up possible Australian membership in ASEAN.

10.   Mrs. Agnelli said the islands of Malta and Cyprus have a priority with respect to possible EU membership.

a. + membership >>共 443
full 16.47%
union 7.17%
party 3.85%
eventual 3.85%
permanent 3.03%
new 2.50%
early 2.31%
chinese 1.69%
possible 1.64%
future 1.54%
possible + n. >>共 1138
attack 2.33%
candidate 1.63%
link 1.14%
cause 1.13%
action 1.02%
motive 1.02%
successor 0.96%
solution 0.92%
way 0.81%
use 0.81%
membership 0.11%
每页显示:    共 34