1.   If deposited there, salt movement and solution-collapse could provide further possible fracturing mechanisms.

2.   The prince has suggested two possible constitutional mechanisms to achieve this end.

3.   There are several possible mechanisms which may be responsible for this adaptation.

4.   These data suggest that technical factors may be responsible for some cases of puchitis with mucosal ischaemia being a possible pathogenetic mechanism.

5.   An increased proliferative capacity of the gastric epithelium next to the areas of MALT derived lymphomas has been postulated as a possible mechanism.

6.   There are, however, other possible mechanisms by which food sensitivities are mediated.

a. + mechanism >>共 568
new 4.84%
different 1.89%
pricing 1.59%
same 1.59%
monitoring 1.59%
legal 1.42%
financing 1.30%
similar 1.24%
possible 1.24%
locking 1.18%
possible + n. >>共 1138
attack 2.33%
candidate 1.63%
link 1.14%
cause 1.13%
action 1.02%
motive 1.02%
successor 0.96%
solution 0.92%
way 0.81%
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mechanism 0.07%
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