1.   Already this week, Sunderland goalkeeper Tony Norman has stated on national television that the uncertain position has put the side under pressure.

2.   All these positions put Powell solidly in the broad American middle and would have fit comfortably with the Republican Party of Richard Nixon.

3.   Once again, that position puts him on the fringe.

4.   That position immediately put them in conflict with American officials, who have said that an amnesty needs to be proclaimed as quickly as possible.

5.   That position put Powell at odds with most of the delegates and alternates in the hall, a conservative group that opposes affirmative action in education and hiring.

6.   That position puts Clinton at odds with many of his usual supporters, like Hispanic, Jewish and Asian-American groups.

7.   The position puts more of a strain on the ACL.

8.   The position puts the Republican presidential frontrunner directly at odds with Vice President Al Gore.

9.   Those positions put Vallone firmly behind two core recommendations of the Mollen Commission, which released an exhaustive report in July on corruption in the city Police Department.

10.   Analysts said the rally was technical, caused by fund managers with big cash positions putting money into blue chips now that interest rates appear to have steadied.

n. + put >>共 2049
government 2.36%
company 2.09%
official 1.52%
victory 1.49%
people 1.47%
investor 1.25%
report 1.12%
police 0.98%
authority 0.91%
move 0.80%
position 0.20%
position + v. >>共 365
be 46.41%
change 3.05%
remain 2.49%
come 2.25%
have 2.09%
seem 1.48%
become 1.40%
go 1.40%
make 1.28%
appear 1.28%
put 0.76%
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