1.   Filming a book that angered many Panamanians for portraying their country in a decidedly sleazy light posed a problem when it came to location work in Panama.

2.   Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said although Indonesia was doing its best to overcome the economic problems, the media continued to portray the country negatively.

3.   Bhutto has tried to portray her country as a moderate Islamic nation in a troubled region.

4.   But the abduction of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has made it more difficult for Musharraf to portray his country as progressive and not beholden to Islamic extremists.

5.   It portrays the country as a bastion of free speech and tolerance.

6.   Ms. Bhutto has tried to portray her country as a moderate Islamic nation in a turbulent region, under attack because her government is cracking down on militant groups.

7.   Officials are quick to portray the country as not just a mendicant but a strategic partner for the West.

8.   Nonetheless, the attacks have created a new concern for the Thai government as it tries to portray the country as a safe destination for international tourists and investors.

9.   The leaders launched an Internet-based Africa-Malaysia news network Monday after accusing foreign news agencies of portraying their countries in a negative light.

10.   The prime minister is trying to portray her country as a moderate Islamic state that needs American support, not sanctions, to battle extremists.

v. + country >>共 730
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flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
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lead 2.31%
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represent 1.57%
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name 1.09%
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portray + n. >>共 773
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character 2.38%
people 1.66%
man 1.54%
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