1.   Bin Laden and his Taliban backers, though, have portrayed conflict as a great global clash between faithful Muslims and the infidels.

2.   All of these films have sought to portray foreign conflicts by showing how Americans responded to them.

3.   How is this conflict portrayed?

4.   No coverage may be given to the grief felt by mothers of slain Kurdish fighters, nor can writers portray the conflict as Kurdish militants see it.

5.   The Bush administration shifted policy on Chechnya last month, portraying the conflict there for the first time as one involving a terrorist threat.

6.   There is an attempt to portray the conflicts eating at Wolverine and Rogue.

7.   There, groups like Riverkeeper and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater have managed to portray the conflict as an earthy David vs. a buttoned-down Goliath.

8.   Western governments, concerned to justify their hesitations, have often portrayed the conflict in whatever way suited their policies.

9.   Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have portrayed the conflict in Chechnya as a war against international terrorists.

10.   When he first spoke on the subject Tuesday, he portrayed the conflict as a financial dispute that should be settled in court.

v. + conflict >>共 478
resolve 14.18%
end 12.00%
avoid 5.26%
settle 3.94%
solve 2.73%
prevent 2.73%
have 2.70%
see 2.22%
discuss 2.10%
create 1.84%
portray 0.25%
portray + n. >>共 773
woman 3.21%
character 2.38%
people 1.66%
man 1.54%
life 1.48%
president 1.43%
opponent 0.89%
decision 0.77%
case 0.77%
scene 0.71%
conflict 0.59%
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