1.   He also said the Navy was considering taking overall responsibility for security during port visits away from ship captains, who must now file security plans for each visit.

2.   Today they include port visits by warships, visits to military bases by top officers, shared medical advice, and social contacts.

3.   But it does want to strengthen its defense relationship, in part through more joint exercises and naval port visits.

4.   But it wants to strengthen its defense relationship, in part by conducting more joint exercises and arranging more naval port visits.

5.   China has increased overseas port visits in recent years to display its growing national strength and influence in global affairs.

6.   Future port visits may also depend on the ups and downs of Chinese-U.S. relations.

7.   New Zealand bans nuclear-armed or powered ships from port visits.

8.   Recently, U.S. ships have resumed port visits to Hong Kong, most notably the USS John Stennis aircraft carrier battle group in January.

9.   The aircraft carrier has been touring the Mediterranean region in recent weeks and is currently on a port visit to Naples, Italy.

10.   The contingent includes the amphibious assault ship USS Trenton and the dock landing ship USS Portland, which had been on port visits in Turkey.

n. + visit >>共 503
three-day 18.85%
two-day 18.42%
four-day 9.76%
five-day 6.12%
one-day 5.64%
surprise 2.92%
six-day 2.63%
weekend 1.64%
hospital 1.31%
doctor 1.29%
port 0.35%
port + n. >>共 288
city 33.86%
authority 8.63%
official 7.05%
call 4.04%
town 3.13%
facility 3.05%
side 2.14%
area 2.14%
worker 1.70%
operator 1.54%
visit 0.87%
每页显示:    共 22