1.   However, U.S. officials say that since April, the Japanese have done little to change what U.S. shipping lines call unfair port practices.

2.   However, U.S. officials say the Japanese have done little since April to change what U.S. shipping lines call unfair port practices.

3.   Negotiators remain apart on the issue of government intervention in port practices.

4.   Separately, the European Union has filed a complaint against Japan for its port practices with the World Trade Organization, a global commerce watchdog.

5.   The American Association of Exporters and Importers concluded that Japanese port practices were in violation of WTO rules.

6.   The delegation came to Tokyo to measure progress implementing reforms in port practices agreed by the U.S and Japan in April in Washington.

7.   The European Union has also taken action against the Japanese port practices by filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization.

8.   The European Union has filed a complaint against Japan for its port practices with the World Trade Organization, a global commerce watchdog.

9.   The Federal Maritime Commission warned Brazil that it may face sanctions over port practices that impair the ability of U.S.-flag carriers to compete for cargo.

10.   The port dispute has dragged on for years as the U.S. complained that Japanese port practices prohibit U.S. shipping lines from competing effectively with their Japanese counterparts.

n. + practice >>共 710
business 11.49%
spring 6.32%
law 3.75%
morning 3.61%
target 3.56%
trade 3.42%
labor 3.28%
week 3.18%
management 2.45%
football 2.43%
port 0.40%
port + n. >>共 288
city 33.86%
authority 8.63%
official 7.05%
call 4.04%
town 3.13%
facility 3.05%
side 2.14%
area 2.14%
worker 1.70%
operator 1.54%
practice 0.67%
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