1.   All meals and an open bar, plus tips and port charges are included, but not air fare to Grenada.

2.   Fares came from the cruise lines and include taxes and port charges.

3.   Fares are subject to availability and do not include port charges, taxes or air fare.

4.   Included are all onboard meals, activities, entertainment and port charges.

5.   Includes port charges.

6.   Port charges, nominally fees levied by governments or port authorities for the use of facilities, have risen rapidly.

7.   Rates are approximate, based on per-person double occupancy and include port charges.

8.   Port charges and air fare are extra, and availability is limited.

9.   Shore excursions, port charges, and sightseeing are included.

10.   Silversea advertises an all-inclusive price, including liquor, tips, port charges, transfers, porter charges and economy air fare.

n. + charge >>共 510
murder 10.98%
corruption 7.28%
drug 5.51%
fraud 4.39%
misdemeanor 3.59%
felony 3.19%
assault 2.69%
weapon 2.15%
bribery 1.99%
conspiracy 1.89%
port 0.18%
port + n. >>共 288
city 33.86%
authority 8.63%
official 7.05%
call 4.04%
town 3.13%
facility 3.05%
side 2.14%
area 2.14%
worker 1.70%
operator 1.54%
charge 0.95%
每页显示:    共 24