1.   And only companies approved by Icann can offer first-time registrations in the popular domains of .com and .net and .org.

2.   Network Solutions holds a government-backed monopoly in the registration of the most popular domains.

3.   The most popular domain names use the top-level domain of .com.

4.   For Mercedes, the Swatchmobile is only part of a strategy of broadening its range of automobiles into the more popular domain.

a. + domain >>共 203
new 20.64%
exclusive 8.26%
top-level 7.13%
male 3.00%
private 2.81%
sole 1.88%
same 1.50%
traditional 1.13%
different 0.94%
vast 0.94%
popular 0.75%
popular + n. >>共 1191
culture 3.92%
support 3.74%
vote 2.98%
music 2.11%
tourist 1.56%
destination 1.28%
program 1.21%
sport 1.18%
figure 1.08%
belief 1.00%
domain 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4