1.   According to canon law, a pope can resign, although the last one who did, Celestine V, did so eight centuries ago.

2.   But canon law does allow a pope to resign, saying it is valid as long as the pope does it freely.

3.   Has a pope ever resigned?

4.   Last week, two cardinals said that they believed the pope would resign if he felt incapable of carrying on in the job.

5.   Last week, two cardinals said that they believed the pope would resign if his condition got so bad that he felt incapable of carrying on in the job.

6.   Some reform-minded Catholics believe that it would be healthier for the church if popes resigned when their health failed.

7.   Church law allows a pope to resign but there is no provision to force him from office.

8.   Church law allows a pope to resign if he feels incapacitated.

9.   Last week, two cardinals said they thought the pope would resign if his health deteriorated to the point that he could no longer govern the church.

10.   There is no provision in church law for removing an incapacitated pope, but it does allow popes to resign.

n. + resign >>共 281
minister 11.77%
government 10.54%
member 6.93%
president 6.06%
official 5.49%
executive 3.68%
director 2.67%
cabinet 1.66%
manager 1.66%
officer 1.52%
pope 0.87%
pope + v. >>共 495
be 9.36%
visit 3.19%
have 3.16%
make 2.95%
say 2.88%
arrive 2.14%
meet 1.68%
plan 1.65%
urge 1.58%
speak 1.58%
resign 0.42%
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