1.   On his first album, the pope delivers messages of faith and bad music.

2.   On his journey here the pope delivered a powerful and emotional reflection on the evils of the Holocaust.

3.   The pope delivered his sermon from behind a bulletproof glass shield.

4.   The pope then delivered prepared remarks that seemed eerily like a response to moment.

5.   With Castro and other senior Cuban officials in the front row at a mid-morning Mass, the pope delivered a ringing call for pluralism here.

6.   Before leaving, the pope delivered a speech to U.N. employees.

7.   On Monday, the pope delivers his Christmas message, and the Queen of England addresses her nation.

8.   On Monday, the pope delivers his Christmas message.

9.   On Wednesday, the pope delivers his Christmas address.

10.   Such changeovers have been made in the past when the pope was delivering speeches in languages that he does not speak.

n. + deliver >>共 984
company 3.61%
government 1.78%
president 1.74%
truck 1.45%
official 1.20%
system 1.16%
doctor 1.12%
man 0.83%
leader 0.83%
group 0.79%
pope 0.58%
pope + v. >>共 495
be 9.36%
visit 3.19%
have 3.16%
make 2.95%
say 2.88%
arrive 2.14%
meet 1.68%
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