1.   Does your popcorn pop or crayons melt when they fly into outer space?

2.   How many men does it take to pop popcorn?

3.   Microwaves can defrost a roast, pop popcorn, and cook all kinds of food.

4.   Pop popcorn, which should give you six quarts of popped corn.

a. + popcorn >>共 80
free 7.75%
buttered 5.43%
air-popped 4.65%
popped 3.88%
fresh 3.10%
hot 3.10%
pop 3.10%
stale 3.10%
caramel 2.33%
flavored 2.33%
pop + n. >>共 464
music 15.95%
star 15.40%
culture 14.82%
song 4.88%
group 2.54%
concert 2.05%
quiz 2.02%
chart 1.79%
artist 1.79%
icon 1.79%
popcorn 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4