1.   An excellent means of putting money in the pockets of the poor without burdening taxpayers.

2.   But even the wealthiest person in the land is poor without spiritual riches.

3.   A president committed to good government would be expected to embrace any innovation that helps the poor without threatening their rights.

4.   But the program is besieged by critics who claim it may backfire by hurting the poor without substantially improving air quality.

5.   But the program is condemned by critics who claim it would backfire by hurting the poor without improving air quality.

6.   Can he deliver enough houses, schools, clinics and jobs to appease the poor without bankrupting the government and scaring off business?

7.   He burst into the lodgings of the poor without warning in the middle of the night.

8.   In theory, if their conscience so dictated, the rich countries could help the poor without damaging the incentives of the drug companies at all.

9.   On the other hand, the biblical imperative to care for the poor without trying to convert them drives many of the faithful to good works.

a. + without >>共 878
complete 6.89%
possible 5.87%
better 4.07%
impossible 4.03%
born 3.45%
resolved 1.98%
difficult 1.65%
available 1.61%
lost 1.21%
useless 1.03%
poor 0.70%
poor + p. >>共 51
in 34.35%
as 8.00%
to 5.97%
of 5.97%
with 5.86%
at 5.63%
for 5.41%
on 3.60%
from 3.60%
by 3.38%
without 2.14%
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