1.   Both leading candidates have offered ambitious programs that they contend will create jobs and help the poor while stimulating investment.

2.   He has said he learned firsthand about the suffering and needs of the poor while going on rounds to the countryside with his father.

3.   He said Democrats tend toward helping families and the poor while ignoring Catholics on the abortion issue.

4.   Hebrew prophets called Israel to account for honoring the God of the poor while trampling the poor underfoot.

5.   If he vetoes the bill, Clinton can preserve his allegiance to his original purpose, which promised more for the poor while demanding more from them.

6.   In newspapers and magazines, a person could find out about his belief in cutting welfare for the poor while increasing it for the rich.

7.   It cuts federal spending at the expense of the poor while leaving middle-class benefits untouched.

8.   The pay-day industry stands accused of preying on the poor while making extortionate profits and misleading borrowers about the true cost of their loans.

9.   Thus their balanced-budget plan, which pounds the poor while leaving middle-class benefits largely untouched.

10.   Polls say Ontario Premier Mike Harris retains strong public support as he targets his budget cuts at the poor while promising tax cuts for the better-off.

a. + while >>共 680
short 12.92%
little 12.05%
long 6.85%
driving 3.95%
longer 2.27%
good 1.54%
great 1.40%
net 1.11%
back 0.92%
possible 0.87%
poor 0.82%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
while 0.09%
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