1.   First, the available pool is shrinking.

2.   Helping to shrink the pool of shares, several WebMD officials also bought stock over the last few weeks.

3.   Now, as the pool of workers shrinks, the country has to replenish its work force.

4.   Now the recruiting pool is shrinking again, but the effort has become more intense, with companies connecting earlier with students, sometimes years before graduation.

5.   Now, as the pool of workers shrinks, the country has to replenish its labor force.

6.   One of the reasons the investment pool has shrunk in Florida was the type of start-ups that were popular here.

7.   The pool of athletes shrinks, especially in the inner city.

8.   With each downturn, the oil industry has seen its pool of workers shrink.

9.   Yet, due to stricter border enforcement, the farm-worker labor pool is shrinking, and shortages of workers are devastating many farm areas.

10.   Teague said one reason for the shortage may be that the eligible donor pool is shrinking as safeguards designed to protect recipients eliminate willing givers.

n. + shrink >>共 540
economy 6.73%
tumor 2.52%
budget 2.24%
market 2.04%
deficit 2.04%
surplus 1.97%
number 1.97%
supply 1.90%
profit 1.50%
lead 1.50%
pool 0.68%
pool + v. >>共 189
be 40.74%
have 5.27%
include 2.28%
become 2.14%
say 1.71%
dry_up 1.57%
shrink 1.42%
consist 1.42%
remain 1.28%
open 1.14%
每页显示:    共 10