1.   In the end, the pontiff said nothing to whitewash the issue.

2.   Still, the pontiff said, such leaders must turn to God before undertaking the task of nation building.

3.   Several post-communist governments have invited the pope to Bulgaria, but the pontiff has said he needs an invitation from Maxim as well.

4.   The Egyptian Coptic pontiff said dialogue on differences in doctrine and faith is not needed, but said talks on joint-ethical issues are necessary.

5.   The pontiff said Catholics must follow the Church on all matters and not just on issues of strong papal statements.

6.   The pontiff did not say what specific areas he was taking aim at.

7.   The pontiff said his remarks applied to all divorce cases, not just those involving Roman Catholics.

8.   The pontiff said international cooperation in the fight against terrorism is vital, along with efforts to alleviate the conditions which breed it.

9.   The pontiff said Bethlehem could serve as inspiration in the search for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

10.   The pontiff said he hopes the euro promotes development and unity.

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