1.   As such, they allow viewers to ponder issues of life and death and the peculiarities of physical and sexual identity.

2.   Before there was time to ponder such issues, John Olerud whacked a single, and the runners took off.

3.   But anyone who has tried to park somewhere other than at a shopping mall has probably pondered this issue.

4.   Cuban and American leaders are pondering the issue of whether a Baltimore Orioles visit to Cuba would strengthen or weaken the regime of Fidel Castro.

5.   In addition to the sources and to the historians that preceded me, I also constantly turned to those contemporaries who were also pondering these issues.

6.   Instead, the University of Texas engineering professor is pondering such issues as the ability of spy satellites and other options to impede the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

7.   It may all seem rather esoteric, but anyone who has worked in the brain sciences profession ponders the issue quite frequently.

8.   Not every moment of the conference was spent pondering weighty issues, of course.

9.   Some towns set up moratoriums while they pondered the issues.

10.   The company pondered the issue for two weeks before deciding that the head of its oral-care division could comment, but not for a month or so.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
ponder 0.11%
ponder + n. >>共 335
question 9.73%
future 8.44%
possibility 2.46%
option 2.34%
issue 2.34%
way 1.76%
retirement 1.64%
fate 1.52%
meaning 1.29%
problem 1.29%
每页显示:    共 20