1.   Hot melt glue is an adhesive made from thermoplastic polyamides or polyvinyl resins.

2.   Perhaps the most common and widely used is the familiar white glue, chemically known as polyvinyl resin glue.

3.   Polyvinyl resin, common white glue, can repair books, paper or leather.

4.   Some agents like polyvinyl resin do not sand well.

a. + resin >>共 88
plastic 16.48%
synthetic 9.34%
polyester 4.95%
translucent 3.85%
natural 2.75%
new 2.75%
green 2.20%
clear 2.20%
polyvinyl 2.20%
higher 1.65%
polyvinyl + n. >>共 8
resin 33.33%
alcohol 16.67%
butyral 8.33%
construction 8.33%
film 8.33%
foam 8.33%
tent 8.33%
white 8.33%
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