1.   Overall this book is a well produced scholarly account of the physics of polymer solutions.

2.   In practice the polymer solution is held at a constant temperature while precipitant is added to the stirred solution.

3.   The theta temperature is a well defined state of the polymer solution at which the excluded volume effects are eliminated and the polymer coil is in an unperturbed condition.

4.   Alternatively, a polymer solution can be thought of as a system formed by the condensation of solvent into a polymer.

5.   Thus the driving force towards lower critical phase separation in polymer-polymer solutions may depend on the system or may be a combination of the effects --.

6.   Polymer solutions do not behave in this ideal manner even in the dilute solution regime and for accurate molar mass measurements, deviations from ideality must be eliminated.

7.   The polymer solution is separated from the pure solvent by a membrane, permeable only to solvent molecules.

n. + solution >>共 381
compromise 9.20%
bleach 5.15%
software 3.07%
two-state 2.19%
high-tech 2.08%
business 1.97%
government 1.64%
water 1.42%
term 1.42%
stopgap 1.42%
polymer 1.20%
polymer + n. >>共 86
chain 11.98%
solution 6.59%
sample 5.39%
coating 2.99%
gel 2.99%
coil 2.40%
crystal 2.40%
business 2.40%
dimension 1.80%
blend 1.80%
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