1.   The theta temperature is a well defined state of the polymer solution at which the excluded volume effects are eliminated and the polymer coil is in an unperturbed condition.

2.   It is defined as an average distance from the centre of gravity of a polymer coil to the chain end.

3.   Also available in table form is the ratio presented as a function of Z, where is the root mean square distance between the ends of the polymer coil.

4.   Even in dilute solutions molecular interference is likely to occur and sp is extrapolated to zero concentration to obtain a measure of the influence of an isolated polymer coil.

n. + coil >>共 31
mosquito 18.42%
condenser 11.84%
wire 11.84%
steel 7.89%
evaporator 5.26%
polymer 5.26%
spring 5.26%
pacemaker 2.63%
voice 2.63%
aluminum 1.32%
polymer + n. >>共 86
chain 11.98%
solution 6.59%
sample 5.39%
coating 2.99%
gel 2.99%
coil 2.40%
crystal 2.40%
business 2.40%
dimension 1.80%
blend 1.80%
每页显示:    共 4