1.   But the issues he offered as reasons for his poor poll showing have been used successfully by candidates in states considered less liberal and less Democratic than Maryland.

2.   Chiles, a Democrat, stood firm, enlisting former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, in releasing a poll showing most Floridians approve of the lawsuit.

3.   Rep. Barbara Kennelly, the Democratic candidate for governor of Connecticut, has startled supporters and opponents alike by breaking a cardinal rule for surviving poor poll showings.

4.   The GOP front-runner, however, was more serious when asked about a poll showing that a rival, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, is gaining ground.

5.   Golkar, which dominated the political landscape for decades under former authoritarian President Suharto, was making a last-ditch attempt to reverse poor poll showings.

6.   Golkar, which dominated the political landscape for decades under Suharto, was making a last-ditch attempt to reverse poor poll showings.

7.   The Gulf War hero has stronger poll showings than most of the announced Republican candidates.

8.   According to observers in Bonn, the pact is an attempt to save the Republicans, undermined by bickering and bad poll showings.

9.   Despite the strong poll showing for Milosevic, discontent is reportedly rife.

10.   The battle lines are drawn in the upcoming referendum on independence for Quebec, with the latest poll showing Quebeckers evenly split on the issue.

n. + showing >>共 200
report 7.34%
preview 3.54%
year 3.04%
second-place 2.78%
third-place 2.78%
poll 2.53%
season 1.77%
week 1.77%
midnight 1.52%
election 1.52%
poll + n. >>共 210
result 15.72%
show 15.52%
number 11.99%
worker 7.73%
rating 4.53%
close 3.73%
watcher 3.06%
voter 2.27%
respondent 2.07%
monitor 1.47%
showing 0.67%
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