1.   Although each approach provides a different explanation of how politics works, they all share two important features.

2.   Vigorous and often hostile debate has persisted among the advocates of these three conceptions of how politics works.

3.   But a minister said that politics did not work that way, and that the influence of the East Anglian connection was greatly exaggerated.

4.   And even a suggestion that a deal might have been struck fueled the cynicism that many voters already have for the way politics work in Washington.

5.   And that was the way politics worked around here for ages.

6.   Alarcon indicated he believes Katz should understand how elective politics work.

7.   Bush told Halpin he understands how candidates sometimes get typecast, and about the harsh way politics sometimes works.

8.   But politics worked against the creation of another Cabinet post.

9.   But the former professor of constitutional law evidently does not care about that as long as the politics works.

10.   Despite the bipartisan desire to please the potent senior lobby, election-year politics worked against change.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
company 2.33%
official 1.74%
people 1.62%
strategy 1.59%
government 1.49%
team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
politics 0.08%
politics + v. >>共 413
be 39.25%
play 5.53%
have 2.98%
become 2.52%
make 2.05%
seem 1.43%
take 1.38%
come 1.26%
change 1.09%
remain 1.05%
work 0.80%
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