1.   And Democrats charged that the hearing less than two weeks before the presidential election was motivated by politics.

2.   A spokesman for the Interior Department said federal decisions regarding Big Cypress were not motivated by politics.

3.   But no one doubts that Turkey, which has had a long rivalry with Russia for control of this region, is also motivated by politics.

4.   Federal officials denied that they were motivated by politics.

5.   Morales said Cornyn was a liar motivated by politics.

6.   Mrs. Kelly said much of the backlash against her had been motivated by politics.

7.   People on both sides say their respective positions will save money, just as they also accuse their opponents of being motivated by politics.

8.   Politics motivates every president, but perhaps he was thinking of his Quaker boyhood in the lemon groves listening for the train whistle and hoping for opportunity.

9.   The sharp response is partly motivated by politics.

10.   They contended that presidential politics motivated the actions, saying that Bush was trying to silence citizens who criticized his environmental positions.

n. + motivate >>共 230
money 5.42%
fear 4.42%
politics 3.82%
greed 3.41%
hate 3.41%
hatred 2.41%
revenge 2.41%
anger 2.21%
racism 2.21%
concern 1.61%
politics + v. >>共 413
be 39.25%
play 5.53%
have 2.98%
become 2.52%
make 2.05%
seem 1.43%
take 1.38%
come 1.26%
change 1.09%
remain 1.05%
motivate 0.80%
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