1.   The new law has been severely criticized by politicians on the left.

2.   But some left-wing politicians sharply criticized the prison, saying it would provide first-class accommodations for convicted murderers and torturers.

3.   Catholic politicians criticized the police for being too quick to fire plastic bullets, which have killed people in the past.

4.   Few, if any, state regulators or politicians criticize the company publicly.

5.   In addition, opposition politicians also criticized the government.

6.   Opposition politicians criticized the decision not to censure Netanyahu, and questioned the composition of the commission, considering it biased.

7.   Powerful politicians criticized the bailout.

8.   Right-wing politicians also have criticized the plan, accusing Rabin of exploiting the security issue to boost his sagging popularity.

9.   Some Israeli politicians harshly criticized the army for writing identification numbers on the forearms and foreheads of Palestinian prisoners.

10.   Some opposition Socialist politicians criticized these measures as counter-productive, sure to convert many Algerian moderates into supporters of the front.

n. + criticize >>共 562
group 11.22%
official 6.60%
leader 4.04%
report 3.93%
newspaper 2.17%
lawmaker 2.04%
analyst 2.04%
environmentalist 1.98%
organization 1.73%
government 1.68%
politician 1.40%
politician + v. >>共 1031
be 11.61%
say 5.62%
have 3.15%
call 2.27%
take 1.55%
want 1.50%
make 1.44%
try 1.33%
do 1.32%
accuse 1.18%
criticize 0.78%
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