1.   All politicians agree that inflation must be beaten but they differ over methods of achieving this.

2.   Yet sentiments such as this were inevitable, as soon as politicians had agreed to make the monster Dome a public project.

3.   Politicians agree, in principle, so America and the EU have been trying to reach a deal which would eliminate the need to double-test many products.

4.   But few Washington politicians agreed with him.

5.   But it is difficult to get politicians to agree on changing a system that elected them in the first place.

6.   But while many more states are leaning toward Bush, polls and politicians agree that in several important states, the governor is barely ahead.

7.   Friendly politicians often agree.

8.   If politicians around the world cannot agree on some basic rules, a backlash will force them to act.

9.   In the race for president, battleground states are those where each party thinks it has a chance to win, most politicians agree.

10.   Investors expect politicians to agree next month on how to balance the federal budget.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
politician 0.21%
politician + v. >>共 1031
be 11.61%
say 5.62%
have 3.15%
call 2.27%
take 1.55%
want 1.50%
make 1.44%
try 1.33%
do 1.32%
accuse 1.18%
agree 0.66%
每页显示:    共 43