1.   I stripped down the two SU carburettors, cleaned and polished the pieces and rebuilt the units.

2.   Since Dartmouth, Ms. Clarke has been polishing the piece, adding and subtracting moments and movements.

3.   The pieces are not polished, which also gives an older look and sets off the polished marble vanity top.

4.   When the dents are removed, you can proceed to polish the piece.

v. + piece >>共 841
have 2.32%
find 2.23%
write 2.23%
add 1.78%
sell 1.78%
use 1.67%
take 1.53%
place 1.50%
buy 1.41%
cut 1.30%
polish 0.11%
polish + n. >>共 247
image 8.81%
shoe 4.30%
skill 2.66%
game 2.25%
silver 1.84%
nail 1.84%
furniture 1.43%
floor 1.43%
surface 1.43%
reputation 1.43%
piece 0.82%
每页显示:    共 4