1.   And during the final stage of polio eradication in a particular country, health workers take OPV from door to door in high-risk districts, immunizing all young children.

2.   But even with the new focus, the backers of polio eradication say the case for their cause is easy to make.

3.   Farrow is a UNICEF spokeswoman on polio eradication.

4.   Polio eradication could be another success, with health specialists estimating eradication in five years.

5.   Rotary International, along with the World Health Organization, the US Centers for Disease Control and UNICEF, are the major partners in polio eradication.

6.   That appropriation includes money to buy vaccines for underinsured children, to research vaccine safety, and to target polio eradication around the world.

7.   To accomplish such an ambitious program, the country recruited help from the major players in polio eradication.

8.   Rotary also has urged governments and donor agencies to increase their commitment to polio eradication.

n. + eradication >>共 16
poverty 32.89%
crop 15.79%
drug 11.84%
pylorus 11.84%
polio 10.53%
coca 3.95%
boll-weevil 1.32%
disease 1.32%
drug-crop 1.32%
graffito 1.32%
polio + n. >>共 66
vaccine 26.97%
virus 11.52%
victim 6.97%
case 6.06%
campaign 4.85%
vaccination 4.55%
patient 3.33%
epidemic 2.73%
eradication 2.42%
immunization 2.42%
每页显示:    共 8