1.   Governments should aim to make their policy instruments as predictable as possible soas to minimize confusion and hence undesirable fluctuations in output.

2.   However the methodologies in assessing soil erosion hazard, as well as policy instruments, May well not be applicable outside the United States.

3.   Rather, they accept existing policy instruments as given and make additions or subtractions from them.

4.   The policy instruments which have been used to try to achieve this equitable goal have evolved slowly.

5.   The research will include an analysis of policy instruments and an examination of available information on the take-up of grant schemes.

6.   That there has been no realignment since then, suggests that the member countries themselves no longer regard exchange rate policy as an effective policy instrument.

7.   As has already been noted above, the Commission has always been concerned to examine the nature of national regional policy instruments for signs of domestic protectionism.

8.   The government has a number of possible policy instruments which it can use for this purpose.

9.   But both issues can be addressed by specific policy instruments, rather than the current crude and counterproductive attempt to cordon off Iran.

n. + instrument >>共 191
debt 8.87%
string 7.26%
fixed-income 6.25%
investment 3.83%
policy 3.43%
cockpit 2.82%
science 2.62%
navigation 2.42%
income 1.81%
market 1.81%
policy + n. >>共 754
maker 8.32%
change 6.86%
meeting 5.05%
issue 3.80%
decision 3.67%
statement 2.88%
difference 2.11%
shift 2.03%
speech 1.73%
adviser 1.68%
instrument 0.24%
每页显示:    共 17