1.   Competition policy aims to offset Market failures arising from scale economies and Market power.

2.   Finally, the policy also aims to provide assistance to employees with other substance abuse problems.

3.   Furthermore, these policies must aim at ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy these aspects of health.

4.   The policy aimed to reduce the budget deficit.

5.   ...a policy aimed at flooding Europe with exports.

6.   ...a pricing policy that was aimed at profit maximisation.

7.   This is partly the result of government policies aimed at reducing public funding in favour of increased private sponsorship.

8.   As these fleets expand, the state policy aims to spread the message to private fleets, hoping to lure them with big tax breaks.

9.   Federal Reserve policy has aimed primarily at reining in a spirit of exuberance that threatened to turn strong growth into a runaway boom.

n. + aim >>共 860
talk 4.22%
company 3.97%
program 2.81%
project 2.42%
government 2.42%
plan 2.22%
measure 2.14%
law 1.61%
policy 1.47%
agreement 1.36%
policy + v. >>共 703
be 27.72%
have 3.20%
change 1.80%
require 1.75%
work 1.71%
help 1.61%
make 1.41%
allow 1.36%
remain 1.25%
cover 1.24%
aim 0.90%
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