1.   The police are now monitoring criminal activity in the area.

2.   Police are already monitoring the movements of travellers convoys and the exclusion order will give them widespread powers of arrest.

3.   -- Accelerated the return of U.N. human rights monitors and international police monitors to accompany patrols by Haitian security forces.

4.   All no parking and red curb zones remain off limits and will be closely monitored by police, Oldfield said.

5.   Los Angeles police are monitoring Internet sites of groups involved in the Washington protests to try to learn their plans for the convention, authorities said.

6.   Police also will monitor the community for six months to see whether drug activity increases, he said.

7.   Police monitor the cameras inside an eight-by-eight-foot kiosk.

8.   The evidence presented against Fitzpatrick in court Thursday included an affidavit detailing a phone call with one victim that was monitored by police.

9.   The police carefully monitored the group, and community leaders offered counseling.

10.   The pilot program will enable police to monitor victims judged to be at greatest risk of repeated assault.

n. + monitor >>共 443
official 5.94%
observer 4.20%
police 3.33%
government 2.67%
doctor 2.40%
group 2.34%
agency 2.07%
company 1.74%
authority 1.69%
force 1.64%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
monitor 0.06%
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