1.   Police are awaiting the results of a forensic examination.

2.   Although the body was clothed, it was virtually a skeleton and police are awaiting the results of a forensic examination to tell its sex and age.

3.   Police are awaiting a detailed breakdown of finances from the accountants before they can put an exact figure on the amount missing.

4.   Police are awaiting results of a blood test before deciding whether to charge him with the more serious offense of aggravated driving while intoxicated.

5.   Sgt. Kent Pollard said police were awaiting orders on enforcing the ban, but offered to warn the gardeners that their devices would soon be illegal.

6.   The police are awaiting the next blow.

7.   Police are awaiting the results of DNA testing to determine if it was with the suspect.

8.   Police were awaiting results of toxicology tests on driver Richard Gnida, he said.

9.   Police were awaiting the results of his urine test.

10.   Police are awaiting further instruction from Portuguese authorities, the spokesman said.

n. + await >>共 837
trader 11.57%
investor 8.13%
market 3.64%
official 2.90%
company 1.86%
fate 1.62%
police 1.42%
player 1.32%
man 1.18%
authority 1.15%
police + v. >>共 510
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arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
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believe 1.43%
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await 0.04%
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