1.   A train bombing that police attributed to Bobo rebels who want their own state killed seven people in Assam Thursday.

2.   During the week, police attributed one slaying to a fight that erupted over scarce parking spaces.

3.   However, police attributed the threat to a continuingprotest by loyalists, and polling stations were quickly reopened.

4.   No one has been hurt, but police Friday attributed a string of firebombings in recent months to an outfit calling itself the French Language Self-Defense Brigade.

5.   Police attribute the increase largely to their efforts to encourage people to report rapes.

6.   Police attribute the trend, in part, to increasingly active Block Watch citizen programs.

7.   Police attribute this and a series of hotel bombings in Mediterranean resort areas to the Basque separatist group ETA, which is fighting for an independent Basque homeland.

8.   Phoenix police attribute the decline to the impact of community-based policing, more officers on the streets and crackdowns on gangs and drugs.

9.   Police initially attributed those deaths to satanic cult rituals.

10.   State officials said there were no serious storm-related injuries, but Holyoke police attributed a fatal accident there on Sunday night to slick road conditions.

n. + attribute >>共 358
official 12.65%
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analyst 10.01%
broker 5.36%
expert 3.78%
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police + v. >>共 510
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find 1.94%
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