1.   And the cynicism and apathy churned up by the money scandals will poison the well when it comes time for politicians to take hard decisions on inflation.

2.   Diehard positions on issues like abortion, gun control, and impeachment have poisoned the well in Washington.

3.   Fortunately, he did not outrage his Republican colleagues who like things the way they are, for they would surely poison his well if he had.

4.   Hearst gave Davies a career and her family a security they never could have had otherwise, but he also poisoned the well for her talent.

5.   It is literally undermining the future of America to poison the well on this issue.

6.   Newly dug wells are poisoned.

7.   Others said the legislative well had been poisoned to the extent that little could be accomplished.

8.   Sometimes the well is poisoned beyond reclamation.

9.   That too could trigger a new round of abortion arguments, especially since the well has been poisoned over the same issue in the Senate.

10.   The failure of the impeachment drive, and the inability of Republicans in Congress to deal successfully with President Clinton, have poisoned the well.

v. + well >>共 172
drill 13.08%
dig 12.15%
make 8.45%
serve 5.42%
wish 4.23%
have 3.43%
know 2.91%
poison 2.51%
sink 2.11%
contaminate 1.85%
poison + n. >>共 234
atmosphere 5.84%
relation 5.27%
well 3.58%
water 3.58%
food 2.64%
patient 1.88%
mind 1.88%
air 1.69%
victim 1.69%
relationship 1.69%
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