1.   Jonathan stroked his pointy little chin.

2.   Saucer eyes, pointy chins and wasp waists, ravening plants and exploding heads, Shinto animism and sci-fi weirdness.

3.   Sipping tea, with her pointy chin and her upturned nose, she seemed familiar somehow.

a. + chin >>共 103
weak 4.84%
dimpled 4.30%
strong 4.30%
receding 3.76%
little 3.76%
suspect 3.76%
jutting 3.23%
cleft 2.69%
small 2.69%
determined 2.69%
pointy 2.15%
pointy + n. >>共 55
hat 11.11%
ear 6.48%
top 6.48%
end 5.56%
head 5.56%
beard 3.70%
chin 3.70%
leaf 2.78%
nose 2.78%
collar 1.85%
每页显示:    共 4