1.   The phenomenon represented by points on this curve is known as supercooling.

2.   Points represent the means of triplicate measurements.

3.   Another percentage point represents the growth in the working-age population.

4.   A rating point represents the percentage of homes with televisions that are tuned in to an event.

5.   A ratings point represents the portion of TV owners overall who tune in to a network.

6.   But those three points represented a disappointment, a muffled firecracker after the fireworks provided by Warrick, who was left to face the frustration.

7.   Each branching point represents the evolution of a new anatomical feature, like the grasping hand, three-toed foot and relatively long arms.

8.   Each national rating point represents just over one million homes.

9.   Each rating point represents just over a million homes.

10.   Each ratings point represents one percent of the TV households in America that are tuned in to the game.

n. + represent >>共 1795
lawyer 2.42%
figure 2.30%
group 2.11%
union 1.58%
move 1.28%
deal 1.09%
case 1.07%
number 1.00%
firm 1.00%
attorney 0.98%
point 0.28%
point + v. >>共 347
be 64.92%
come 4.70%
seem 1.29%
guard 1.24%
have 1.14%
separate 1.09%
remain 0.86%
go 0.78%
need 0.76%
include 0.76%
represent 0.40%
每页显示:    共 16