1.   Having said that, one or two points need to be put and kept in perspective.

2.   The nature of assumptions Two preliminary points need to be made before setting out the argument against secularism.

3.   This point needs to be stressed.

4.   This important point needs to be reemphasised if we are to consider seriously the possibility of re-introducing Islamic precepts into the law of property in Malaysia...

5.   Two preliminary points need to be made before setting out the argument against secularism.

6.   For the moment, two concluding points need to be made.

7.   A few specific points need to be made about some of these examples.

8.   We feel that certain points need explained to help clarify the situation.

9.   And his point needs to be made again and again as schools all over the country debate parental involvement in education.

10.   As we continue to look for ways to discourage the use of tobacco, while maintaining our freedoms, some points need to be recognized.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
point 0.13%
point + v. >>共 347
be 64.92%
come 4.70%
seem 1.29%
guard 1.24%
have 1.14%
separate 1.09%
remain 0.86%
go 0.78%
need 0.76%
include 0.76%
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